
主题:If only I still alive


Tears to 生活Shed .
电器 唱的很心酸 也很日用品无奈

仅仅凭借这一点 你就有足够的理由离开我 。

可是 我还是很想和你在一起呢 成为你真正的新娘 。

如果我还活着 该有多好 。

If I touch a burning handle I can feel no pain.
And if you cut me with a knife it's still the same.
(In the ice or n the sun it's all the same.)
And I know her heart is beating, and I know that I am dead.
(Yet I feel my heart is aching, though it doesn't beat it's breaking.)
Yet the pain here that I feel.
Try and tell me it's not real.(I know that I am dead.)
For it seems that I still have a tear to shed...

The Piano Duet
这段就是纯音乐 钢琴独奏
很简单 却听的让人想哭
四手联弹的那段很棒 不管是从旋律上还是别的方面来说
都是很不错的音乐 。
